
How Consumers Are Protected In Cameroon

Law No. 2011/012 of 6 May 2011 enacted by the President of the Republic after deliberation by the National Assembly was a significant milestone in protecting consumers’ rights.

If the adage “customer is the king” is anything to go by, then in actual effect, the customer who by implication is the consumer has inalienable rights for consuming goods and services. It is therefore against this backdrop that the government tabled a bill to the National Assembly in 2011 relating to the protection of consumers’ rights. The law establishes the legal framework for consumer protection in country. This was the first piece of legislation entirely consecrated to consumer protection in Cameroon. Before 2011, consumer protection was regulated by Part IV of the 1990 law on commercial activity in Cameroon. This law applies to all transactions relating to the supply, distribution, sale and exchange of technology, goods and services relating to consumer protection. These transactions include health, pharmacy, food, water, housing, education, financial services, banking, transport, energy, and communication sectors. These are the usual areas in which persons acquire property or services primarily for personal, family or household purpose. Mindful of the proliferation of transactions in technology, the legislator has expressly listed technology alongside goods and services among the areas of consumer law in Cameroon. According to Atanga Law office in its appraisal of the instrument, the framework law guarantees consumers’ adequate protection against unfair trade and credit practices in consumer goods and services as well as against faulty and dangerous goods, restrictive business practices, unfair business practices and abusive clauses have been unequivocally defined. The definition of these terms is particularly relevant because the framework ...

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    Thanks for this rich and educative piece of work

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    Sonemetuge Clinton

    This is quit an article you have put out here.nThanks a lot.nBut unlike any other academic work, it can't go with me making a remark and to pose question(s) of which I will begin by saying that the article is quite rich but at the same time, it's shortsleeve.nWhy because, you were limited only to the law and said it guarantees absolute protection.nMy worry is, how can one pray the court for may be injuries resulting from the consumption of harmful pharmaceutical products??nIt's true the concept of Consumer Protection is one which is pregnant.

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    Mesumbe Divine Ebong

    Thanks a lot for the information. I have a worry as far as this law is concerned. It seems as if this law did not take in to consideration some aspects of Consumers Protection, such as protection of Consumers with respect to Prices and Measurements. Thanks.

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    Fonyuy Carlos Bintar

    Thank for this information but I have some few worries. n1. What measures are put in place to ensure this law is respected? Especially the health and safety aspect with regards to the environment as we see people selling everyday in contaminated areas but consumers to purchasing in their ignorance ?n2. Which administrative or legislative organ is responsible for handling abuses and other malpractices on costumer issues on good and services ?nThanks and best regards

  • avatar

    Thanks for this updates

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