Public Investment Budget: Execution Difficulties Persist

At the end of December 2020, the physical execution rate stood at 92.36 per cent. Though largely satisfactory considering health and security challenges of the year, other problems have continued to stifle the execution of PIB.

T he physical execution of the Public Investment Budget (PIB) for the 2020 Financial Year recorded a slight improvement compared to the previous three years. The improvement from 76.3 per cent in 2018, 93.41 per cent in 2019 to 92.36 per cent in 2020 in terms of the physical execution rate was highlighted during the second session of the National Committee for the Follow-up of the Physical and Financial Execution of Public Investment for the 2020 Financial Year. Despite the outbreak of the Corona virus pandemic that stalled activities in 2020 and the security crisis in some parts of the country, the physical and financial execution demonstrated resilience. Adamawa and North Regions recorded the highest execution rates with 96.51 and 96.21 respectively while the North West and East Regions scored the least performance. At the central administration level, 89.63 per cent was the realisation rate for projects against 95.94 per cent in 2019 recording a drop of 6.31 points. Meanwhile, for decentralized collectivities, there was a slight improvement from 70.92 per cent in 2019 to 88.80 per cent in 2020. Talking about the effects of the pandemic, the President of the National Follow-up Committee, Hon. Rosette Moutymbo Ayayi recalled that the initial investment package allocation of FCFA 1496.3 billion was reduced through an Ordinance No. 2020/001 of 3rd June, 2020 modified the Finance Law of 2020 to FCFA 1254.3 billion. The FCFA 242 billion drop, according to Hon Ayayi, had as main objective to enable the respect of State engagement vis-à-vis its development partners and to make the State budget sustainable. The 2020 Public Investment Budget, she added, was drawnup within the perspective of the implementation of National Development Strategy 2020- 2030, the completion of the Three-year Emergency Plan, The Triennial Special Youth Plan and projects geared towards the organisation of the 2021 AFCON as well as accelerating the decentralization. In 2020, Hon Rosette Ayayi who also doubles as the Chairperson of the Finance and Budget Committee at the Nationa...

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