What motivated Elba House Establishment to engage in the production of tea?
We discovered that there are some farm produce that have very high nutritional values and unfortunately, the public is not aware of it. These values add a plus to health as most of them help to build a strong immune system that contributes in fighting some diseases that might attack the body thereby mitigating their effects. In order for Cameroonians and foreigners to benefit from the unbelievable product virtues, we decided to make it in the form of tea so that it should accompany their daily diet. The tea has also been made affordable to all classes of people. We also want people to consume the tea in the right proportion for example the daily consumption of ginseng should not be more than 1g a day the more reason it has been fused with ginger so that a teaspoon should have a reasonable quantity to constitute a cup of tea. Lastly we went into production in order to provide healthy tea to the public while making a bit of profit, which is one of the goals of any business.
Why should one prefer Elba tea to other brands?
Elba tea is 100 per cent natural owing to the fact that we don’t add any addictive, colour and other artificial products that some brands might add. On the nutritive part, the teas are very high in antioxidants and vitamins, thereby good to boost the immune system. In addition, given that all our raw materials like ginger, mint, ginseng, bitter kola, lemongrass etc is gotten from Cameroon, is telling of the fact that all engaged in production chain starting from the farmer through traders to the processers and marketers benefit from the activity. Clearly put, it reduces unemployment and puts food on the table of many. I also think my products should be bought because it goes a long way to sell the image of Cameroon to the outside world as not only Cameroonians, but foreigners patronise our business and gives us positive feedbacks which we are proud of.