The company has eight tea types that are great immune system boosters.
The health benefits of some superfoods can’t go unnoticed and most of them that have great nutritional values are not eaten in the right proportion. To enable people eat such, some local processers have made great researches and conducted many experiments and the results after tasting always gathers a lot of positive feedbacks and recommendations. One company that has put in much efforts to make Cameroonian first and then foreigners to eat healthier in order to have a robust immune system is Elba House Establishment. The company processes 8 different therapeutic teas from plants and roots with incredible nutritive values including bitter kola, ginger, ginseng, moringa, turmeric, cannelle, lemongrass and mint.
To the Manager of Elba House Establishment, Ayuk Enow Beatrice, the enticing health benefits of the aforementioned pushed them to device strategies on how to process and market the products and ensure that consumers are able to get them consistently. With FCFA 3 million, the company that is concerned with the health and wellbeing of others, started processing tea from ginger before the outbreak of corona virus in Cameroon. It went well and with five employees, the company added ginseng tea that also got many interested given the health benefits it opened consumers to. After the ginseng tea tasted good on every tongue, Elba House...