
Reinforce Security Measures

Cybercrimes are becoming alarming in Cameroon as days go by. With advancement in digital technology, cyber criminals are also thinking out of the box to crack security codes of information systems of both public and private enterprises. Between 2019 and 2021, the financial damages incurred as a result of cyber-criminality doubled from FCFA 6 billion to FCFA 12.2 billion in just two years, going by 2021 ANTIC report. This shows the magnitude of the phenomenon which must be nipped on its bud as soon as possible. Companies and enterprises, financial institutions have been the big target of these online hoodlums. It has been reported how reputed banks lost huge sums of money to cyber-criminality through hacking of their information systems and customers’ bank cards. Apart from losing money, many institutions have lost valuable data and information to their rivals thanks to the same cybercrimes. With these cyber intrusions causing untold damages to individuals, governments and corporate bodies, experts are of the opinion that institutions and even individuals should invest in the security of their cyber space. The...

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