Members of the Inter-ministerial Committee for the Examination of Programmes (ICEP) inscribed in the Finance Law are meeting in Yaounde for the 2022 session which comes five years after the last sitting. For 10 days, the committee members will evaluate the performance of the programmes and propose recommendations that will be tabled to the Prime Minister, Head of Government for validation ahead of the next financial year. Opening the 10-day session, in the presence of technical and financial partners like the European Union, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, African Development Bank amongst others, Finance Minister, Louis Paul Motaze recalling that the committee was created on August 1, 2011 by a Prime Ministerial decree with the objective to enable the government assess the quality of programmes budgeted in the finance law. Between 2012 and 2017, the committee oriented the drawing up and implementation of programmes in ministerial departments and public entities with what Minister Motaze has described as a ‘positive outcome.’ The value added by ICEP in the public finance management in different administrations induced the signing of another decree by the PM to reorganize the committee in June 2021 after the adoption of the new financial regime of the State and public entities which makes the committee an important tool in the budgeting system. The MINFI boss who is also the president of the Inter-ministerial Committee for the Examination of Programmes, says the reorganization of the committee takes into account the 2019 Presidential decree on the budgetary calendar which indicates that programmes are validated by the committee on a specific period and modalities. He detailed the innovations contained in the reorganization of the committee which includes evaluation and follow-up of the performance of the programmes, ensure respect of internal audit and management control as well as reinforce the credibility of statistical data system necessary for the evaluation of performance especially in transversal domains like decentralization, gender, bilingualism and sustainable development. Another innovation is the triennial evaluation system unlike the yearly sessions. The Minister of Finance also indicated that with the adoption of the National Development Strategy (NDS 2020-2030), which gave a new vision and o...
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