
Hotels & Restaurants: Counting Huge Financial Gain

The sector is one of the highest that benefits during such events.

Cameroon being one of the countries in the CEMAC Zone that play host to galore economic events ranging from high level seminars, through public events to business meetings, is bound to invest heavily in the leisure and tourism sector, specifically the hospitality and restauration industries. With beautifully constructed hotels and a variety of dishes to savor ranging from various African meals to western cuisine makes Cameroon a destination not only for economic events but for tourism as well. During events like trade fairs, exhibitions, national and international seminars, hotels and restaurants make a lot of profit. According to the Manager of Bisso Hotel, Khayi Loveline Shimbe, they get a lot of customers during such events. Getting many customers and sometimes a full house feels good as some participants from different towns spend at least two nights while others spend more than a week which means a lot of money. During such periods, the Manager disclosed that some workers especially the cleaners have to give in their best and at times work extra time to make sure visitors are comfortable and in a clean space. According to the Manager of Bisso Hotel, they make from FCFA 200,000 daily during such periods with a room selling between FCFA 25,000 and FCFA 35,000. Restaurant owners also count their blessings during events like this as their services are solicited especially as Cameroon cuisine is confirmed round the globe. Local dishes like water fufu and eru, achu (yellow soup), ndole, kondre, kahti-kahti, sanga, various sea foods and even bush meat are highly solicited while western dishes are equally offered. The restaurant operators make...

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