Bitter kola also known as garcinia kola has long been valued for its medicinal properties. Bitter kola has been used over the years to fight infections and a 2018 study showed that bitter kola can help combat coughs, bacterial infections, and viral infections. Eating bitter kola when an infection starts may help fight the infection and make one feel better more quickly. With the multiple virtues, Philippe Guekam, Managing Director of Cave d’Afrique engaged in profound research and came out with a quality therapeutic wine made from bitter kola known as Vin de Bitacola (Bittercola Wine). The wine, according to the producer, fights all stomach disorder, arrests cough and improves men’s performance in bed. Given that most wine are made with wine grape, Philippe Guekam, poised to show the world that wine can be made from other ingredients other than wine grape. The bitter kola wine, according to him, is a table wine that is as well therapeutic. With a capital of five cartons of wine; approximately FCFA 75,000, Philippe Guekam set-out for the wine-making journey. The first people that tasted the wine appreciated it as they gave testimonies on how good the wine is and the health challenges arrested after drinking the wine. About 80 per cent of the wine is sold to a partner in France. According to the producer, the partner from France come with his pack...
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