
GECAM: Célestin Tawamba Is Pioneer President

The five categories of companies voted the single list of 18 members by 98.18 per cent on April 9th

The newly created employers’ organisation: “Groupement des Entreprises du Cameroun” dubbed GECAM now has a pioneer bureau with Célestin Tawamba at the helm. They were elected into office during the elective general assembly at the organisation’s headquarters at Bonanjo Douala by balloting on April 9th in the presence of a public notary. The single list headed by the then president of GICAM, registered 98.18 per cent victory while 1.82 per cent voted against. The five categories of companies that voted include 42 very big companies with at least FCFA 50 billion capital, 26 big companies with capital of between FCFA 15 billion and FCFA 50 billion, 83 medium-sized companies worth between FCFA 1 billion and FCFA 15 billion, 97 small companies worth between FCFA 50 million and FCFA 1 billion and 47 very small companies worth less than FCFA 50 million. Addressing the 295 companies that voted, and the administrative and traditional authorities after the proclamation of results by the public notary, the pioneer president of GECAM expressed gratitude for the confidence the electorates bestowed on the “Le GECAM pour une fondation en béton” list (GECAM for a solid foundation) and reassured them that they will work to improve not only enterprises development but the development of the entire nation. “We will serve you in a close manner and reduce holiday for more efficiency and impact,” he said. He disclosed that they will work with the focal points of enterprises in order to facilitate the collect of their needs and grievances which will permit GECAM to provide concrete solutions in collaboration with the public administration. The pioneer president mentioned that they will facil...

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