
Socio-Professional Insertion: Demand For Certain Competences Soars As Emergence Is Insight

Agriculture, building construction, mining, energy and ICTs (digital economy) are sectors that young

F inding a job in Cameroon is as difficult as passing a Carmel through a needle especially for unskilled youth. But the situation is not all in despair as few sectors are very promising in terms of job creation. Sectors such as agriculture and its value chain, mining with a multiplicity of public and private projects, building and construction, energy and information and communication Technologies are promising to absorb thousands of qualified job seekers each year given a myriad of opportunities in the sectors. Be it through public or private initiatives, these sectors will always be in need of human resources. They thus facilitate socio-professional integration either through direct employment, projects or self-employment. According to the Report on the Nation’s Economic, Financial and Social Situation published in November 2022, the Public Investment projects (mostly building and construction) provided the bulk of jobs in 2021 with 230,065 jobs created (64.2 per cent) while other integration programmes and projects absorbed 13,304 (3.7 per cent) and private enterprises recruited 81, 163 (22.6 per cent). Cooperatives which mostly deal in agriculture and livestock generated some 14,834 (4.1 per cent) of jobs in 2021 according to the same document. With these statistics, it is clear that sectors like agriculture which is the mainstay of Cameroon’s economy will continue to absorb more young Cameroonians especially as the government is now vulgarizing the import-substitution policy and the second generation agriculture. The structural transformation of the economy as contained in the National Development Strategy cannot also be possible with a vibrant agricultural sector. As for the mining sector, government through the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Technological Development has outlined over ten priority projects which will create more than 10,000 direct jobs. Other sectors like the ICTs, energy (renewable and hydroelectric dams construction) also have a high propensity to create jobs are more people are digitalizing their activities and seeking clean energy solutions. However, for young Cameroonians to easily integrate into these professions, there is the need for prof...

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